Saturday, February 22, 2014

4th Metatarsal Stress Fracture?

Things were going just as planned during the taper.  I hadn't experienced any more ball of foot pain on any of our runs for the past two weeks.  Tuesday morning I set out for a 3 mile tempo run.  The pace was fast and easy, and I was well rested. 
About a mile and a half into it, I felt a pretty strong pain in my foot.  I want to say it was in the top and the bottom and just all around, but it's really hard to even describe where it was.  It hurt bad enough that I considered stopping right there, but being a mile and a half from home I decided to keep running.  I was slowing considerably and wincing by this point, and the pain certainly was not getting any better.  Another mile into it and I couldn't go any longer.  Unfortunately, at this point even walking hurt.  I limped home and was making some moaning/crying sounds.  As soon as I got in the house I took off my shoe and noticed some bruising on the top of my foot going into my 4th toe.  Not to mention it hurt like heck.  Not good.   
This was the first time since I experienced ball of foot pain a few weeks ago that I wore my Newtons.  I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but it seems like they put more pressure on the balls of your feet.  Maybe not my smartest move regarding running shoes? 

 From my research on metatarsalgia, I knew that bruising on the top of the foot likely meant a stress fracture.  I iced and elevated for the rest of the day and made an appointment with a podiatrist for the next day.  I sent Larissa a text that said, "Have fun running the marathon by yourself."  I don't think she believed how serious it was.
The xray didn't show any signs of a stress fracture, but the dr said it probably wouldn't show up for a few weeks when it starts to heal.  (So what was the point of the xray?)  He also said there was a small chance it could be from a broken blood vessel and that I could still run the marathon in ten days.    
With how much pain I've been in, I highly doubt that.  It's been a constant ache since it happened. 
I'm supposed to take a test run in a few days to see if it hurts again, and honestly, I'm gun-shy and don't know if I even want to try. 



  1. Replies
    1. My daughter was stepped on and her bruise looks exactly like yours. We are trying to figure out if we need x-rays and if it is just a jam, broken toe, or a full out metatarsal break or fracture.

    2. My daughter was stepped on and her bruise looks exactly like yours. We are trying to figure out if we need x-rays and if it is just a jam, broken toe, or a full out metatarsal break or fracture.

  2. Wow it looks just like what happened to my toe, except I'd rather not go to the hospital because its 2020 and Coronavirus is at large
